Sunday, February 28, 2010

3 days off to do my own eLearning! a$$$

Woop Woop I thought. 3 days release. Imagine what things I could do in this time. Spend more than 30 mins with the digikids, maybe re-design our Y4 home page, go visit a couple of schools. . . ohh the possibilities!! The reality . . . spend 3 days visiting lots of classes to get most of them started on their ePortfolios!
Most teachers had at least STARTED updating their ePorts and were updating them to the set requirements. But there were some who must have been at the staff meeting only in body as their minds must have been off dreaming because Im not sure what they were doing!
It was good to go and visit the classes and see what they had been up to and to see the huge imporvements in confidence and abitily with the teachers.
I am glad though, that it is over and now I can sit back and concentrate on my own classes needs for now.


  1. Poor Lis, I hope everyone appreciates your help for those three days! Even though there is still a range of abilities and confidence it is obvious that the teachers and students have moved forward from last year and things aren't quite as difficult. On behalf of them all - a big thanks Lis!

  2. Your a genius Lis and I thank you for supporting me too!!!
