My head is swimming!!! So much to take in.
We started off by completing a PinWheel. (Belinda, you need to put all of these onto our wiki so we can start using them in class.) The topic of the conversation was 1 Web2 tool or new idea that is being used in class. is one that I need to look at. Very similar to apparently. Peer Coaching was interesting. Very similar to Peer Mediation process. Found it difficult to discuss a scenario using the handout. We decided to put the handout down and use our initiative!
Presentation Zen. Might just have to borrow the book off you!
It was good to be able to discuss ideas with the team for our afternoon share.
Digistore was ok. Still need to sit down and have a go!
Thanks for the feedback and good point about pulling all the ideas together in one place. At the moment they are spread throughout the wiki - an almost impossible task to track them all down easily!