Friday, August 21, 2009

Half way there!

Look at that! The last time I updated my blog was Week 2! Yes my iCal alarm is stil working but I have been on holiday!!! Sitting in the pool drinking cocktails in Fiji! And now I'm back at work and its too cold to show off my tan! While we were in Fiji we managed to Skype our classes. Aaron wanted to show off in the swimming pool to his friends. But we had very bad lines and was not able to go on video!
My class are all up to date with their goals on their ePortfolios! Each child has done their literacy and their numeracy! I have started to post comments and am going to try and get more completed this weekend.
eastNet Cluster day next week so I will update blog then!

1 comment:

  1. You just have to keep rubbing in about that Fiji trip don't you? Very impressive to have your e-Portfolios so up-to-date despite the holiday!
