Wednesday, May 5, 2010

eastNet cluster Lead teacher day.

Another big day today. Starting off with our old favourite Donut. Spoke to M about Mathletics. Her school has just started using Mathletics and she was wondering how she could use it more in her y2 class. Suggested a whole class activity similar to what I do. Using the data projector I load Mathletics and we play 'Live'. I use the wireless keyboard and mouse and have a 'driver' who uses the keyboard. The rest of the class then have to yell out the answers. My class love this activity. She thought this would be great but she would be the driver for now. spoke to L about her blog and how she felt as though she needed to get something uploaded about the camp which her senior class has just been on. She used Movie maker but found that she did a lot of the work. Asked me what I use in my classroom to make movies using images. I suggested using either or animoto. L has never used animoto and she was very interested in this. Then spoke to L about who to effectively use the computers in a y3 class. L's senior teacher has come up with this idea of allocating 1 computer to a table and setting tasks. The children have a week to complete these tasks (for e-ports) and at other times when the computers are not in use she is beginning to use them in her literacy and numeracy program. This is great as this senior teacher was not very confident in using the equipment in class. Hopefully T keeps up with this idea.
We then put all these ideas of how we are using e-Learning onto scribblar. Some great ideas here.
We then discussed our Action Research! (that is all I am going to say on that topic!)
uLearn was next on the agenda. My big dilemma was if I was to present what would it be??? I had been thinking about this quite a bit and had not come up with any WOW ideas!! It was great to talk to L, V and B about different ideas on what we could possible do. SO . . . we have kind of got some ideas on what to do. Now we just need some time to get this organised. Along with the Cluster Expo!
The exciting part was getting to play on B's new iPad! WOW how cool!!!
I still think that I would prefer to use iPod touches in my classroom but I so want an iPad for ME!


  1. You have SO many things you could present on! It's always good to remember that there are lots of people who don't want just the 'fancy' stuff... they want the nuts and bolts of how people are using and managing ICT's in their classes. And they want this from people who are doing it and making it happen in their classes. You do this marvellously!!

  2. Thank you soo much!! Its still a nightmare trying to think of something that will appeal to people but I think Mrs R and Mrs A and I have it sorted. Web2.0 tools that enhance our learning. Will keep you posted.
